The purpose of the 刑事司法 undergraduate program is to provide students interested in the law enforcement, 刑法, corrections and the criminal court system with a broad educational background emphasizing the social sciences, and at the same time providing basic knowledge in the criminal justice field to the extent of specialization compatible with general university and school requirements. The curriculum leads to a 理学学士s degree.


The 理学学士 in 刑事司法 will be awarded to a student who has successfully completed the following:

  1. A maximum of 122-124 semester hours of course work is required for graduation. A minimum of twenty-seven (27) of these hours must be taken in the 刑事司法 (CJ) course sequence, twelve (12) of the hours must be taken in the 政治科学s (GT) course sequence, and fifteen (15) hours in the 社会学 (SY) course sequence. 有五十(50)小时的核心课程, and an additional fifteen (15) hours of 社会科学, and six (6) hours of electives in the 社会科学 or psychology.

  2. The satisfactory completion of each of the 27 hours of 刑事司法 courses, 6小时的政治学课程, 3小时社会学课程,成绩3.0 (B)或以上的成绩是基本要求. These specific course requirements include: CJ 200-Introduction to 刑事司法; CJ 230-Introduction to Law Enforcement; CJ 350-Court and 刑事司法; CJ 370-Corrections; CJ 393-Criminal Law; CJ 330-Criminal Investigation; CJ 411-Deviant Behavior; CJ 415-刑事司法 Procedure and Evidence; CJ 470-Public and Private Security; GT 332-Constitutional Law II; GT 327-The Judicial Process; SY 365-Racial and Cultural Minorities. Also, the student must successfully complete SS 473-Social Science Internship and the six (6) hours of elective with 2.0分或以上.

  3. 最低累积(总体)平均成绩为2.5分才能毕业.

  4. Students must notify the Coordinator of the 刑事司法 Program of their intention to graduate at least one semester in advance of the expected date of graduation.